Tuesday, September 7, 2010

fried chicken with gravy

Fried Chicken with Gravy


1kg. chiken legs or wings
1 1/2 tbsp iodized salt
1/4 tbsp blblack pepper ground
1/8 cup calamansi juice
1/4 tbsp MSG
3 eggs
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup bread crumbs
4 cops Golden fry cooking oil


1.Wash and dry chicken thoroughly.

2.Rub chicken with salt,pepper,calamansi juice, and MSG.

3.Steam for 15minutes.Drain.

4.Rub chicken with flour.Dip each piece in beaten eggs and roll in bread crumbs.

5.Heat oil and deep fry chicken until golden brown.

6.Serve with gravy.

*Gravy is best served when warm.heat gravy over low fire while continuously stiring.

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