Sunday, October 10, 2010


Adobong Baboy Ingredients:

1 kilo pork; cut in cubes

1 clove garlic; pounded

1 medium onion; chopped

1 tablespoon sugar

4 laurel leaves

6 tablespoons soy sauce

6 tablespoons vinegar

1 tablespoon ground or whole black pepper

1 cup rice water

MSG (optional)

Sugar (optional)

Cooking oil

Adobong Baboy Cooking Instructions:

Marinate pork in soy sauce, garlic, and pepper for 1 hour.
Sauté onion, then drop the marinated pork and laurel leaves. Continue sauteing until liquid has evaporated and meat starts to render fat. Pour the marinade including the bits of garlic and a cup of rice water. Add the potato and continue boiling in medium fire until pork becomes tender. Pour vinegar and simmer until little sauce is left. Season with sugar if desired according to taste.
Another way of doing it is to combine the pork, vinegar, garlic, water, soy sauce, laurel or bay leaves, peppercorn, and other seasonings of your choice in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, lower heat to medium fire, and then cook until a thick sauce is formed. Serve hot!

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