Sunday, October 10, 2010


Squid is coated in an easy to make tempura batter and deep-fried, and then dipped in a spicy salt and pepper mix. Serves 4 to 6.
2 tablespoons salt
3 to 4 teaspoons freshly ground Szechuan peppercorn, according to taste
1 egg
3/4 cup ice cold water
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 to 4 cups oil for deep-frying, or as needed
2 lb cleaned squid
Coriander leaves, to garnish (optional)


In a heavy skillet on medium to medium-low heat, brown the salt and Szechuan peppercorns, shaking the pan occasionally, until the peppercorns are fragrant and the salt turns a light brown color. Remove from the heat. Cool. Use a mortar and pestle to grind the cooled mixture or grind in a blender. Set aside.In a small bowl, stir the egg into the ice water. Stir in the flour to form a thick, lumpy batter, being careful not to overmix (the batter should resemble a pancake batter).Heat the oil to 360 degrees Fahrenheit. Dip the squid into the tempura batter, using your fingers to coat the squid pieces. Add the squid and deep-fry until golden brown and crispy. Drain. Serve garnished with the coriander leaves, and with the salt and pepper mix for dipping.

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